Saturday, January 30, 2010

too easy tired....

too easy lose patience...

too easy get distracted...

too easy go off into wild flights of fancy....


feel getting older lately....TT

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Run 4 our schl...=]

this is how i look like when walked to cs...
how can i ran+walked for 3.6km??

sound impossible for me who already muscle pain...
but i completed da journey too...and i'm lucky not the last leh...
haha...incredible anyway...=]

carnival really Zzang o...=3
lots of food!!! and kpop all the way~ ^^
but i really dunno that is beef when i'm eating lo...
my mum said i did not ask be4 buying...haix
although she not scolded me but i felt bad also...
today is the 1st time i ate beef....ah!!! TT

then after the carnival need to walked to cs to take bus some more...
and worst thing is we saw a public bus pass by behind of us
when we r walking half way....TT
really be out of luck!!! ==

Friday, January 8, 2010

See a lot of people crying that day...

Let me felt to be at a loss...

especially when i saw my frenzs are crying....

very strange feeling...feel like wanna crying too...

Maybe I really can not see other people crying...

I dont know how to comfort all my frenzs...

realy weird situation...Sorry for my stupidity...
