Sunday, June 17, 2012

Love knows no colour :)

our differences??? seriously...i dunnu...but i m not suprised... it just hurt so bad... there is alot of obstacles... it just happened...everything... never even thought of i can be important to anyone... and can bear with all my ego... no matter how also still.... can be patient and try to bounce back... thanks...i really should be very grateful to have u with me now... and now...i'll try very very hard not to loose it... hope that someday it'll all be fine... Your love CHANGE me :)

Friday, June 15, 2012

after so long....

almost 6 months i quit blogging... many things do ppl around me... i've change alot too... wheres the real me?? i got no idea... sometimes its just too cruel to realise something that u shouldn't know... I rather be a happy kid that know nothing...but still... I never expect all tht frm you...which i trusted so much and so closed... drawing a line between u and me is not a wise choice definitely... but its so tired to pretend nothing happened and talk like how i used to be... you'll never realise actually u r hurting me... since u always wont accept criticism...