Saturday, November 1, 2008

wat "O"......==

010...wat u try 2 tell ar...?!!!
heng....wanna 'gek' me....
wat very cool & nice...??

whn i told cagih & hani dis......
hani said 'ceh'..... lies~!!
cagih said i wont go....~!!

my cagih & hani said bother leh...~!!
ya lo....wat "o" ......

surely not nice de la....!!~
if real tvxq come only I go....~!!
cagih and hani hor....??

1 comment:

demonprinciple0320 said...

hahaah~~cagih a~!
cagih a~!belive me,..midoyo~!
will not be nice de~!wahahahah~!hu can nice then tvxq o~!!
that's impossible de ~wuli tvxq is de best leh~!!!not normal ppl can dance like them de leh`!haahahahaahah~!