Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lee Joon's entry on Daum Cafe~

Frm Lee Joon:

CREDITS: BLAQ'n' (translation) + MBLAQ Official Daum Cafe (Source)

Hello, this is Lee Joon.

Are you taking good care of your health, especially now that the weather is getting colder?

Swine flu seems to be 'in' at the moment, so I hope you'll be careful...

I leave this letter out of anger.

It was difficult trying to decide, because it might just look like a string of excuses.

It's about yesterday's Super Junior's Kiss the Radio.

It's not true..

When I did that dance at the ETN studio, they suddenly asked me
to dance to a female idol group song.

The producers emphasised on the fact that the group had to be female, so I
chose f(x), as we're promoting at the same time.

I've never listened to Lachata properly, even though I've listened to Chu~ fully.

Anyway... I feel mortified.

I got really angry because everyone made me look like the bad person, and was upset.

Even after the broadcasting, everyone made out that I was a womanizer which
made me even more angry.

When I went on Bestiz, everyone was disappointed as expected, and I
thought a lot about how to put this right.

Anyway, I'm innocent.

I'm really really really completely mortified and because I
want to show everyone that I'm not that kind of guy
everyone thinks I am, I wrote this.

Please believe me. I never lie, even in broadcasting.
Please only believe Lee Joon.
I cry today.

Oh and Jaejin's sister is a friend from the acting school that I
went to. I no longer keep in contact with her.Bye~

oh no, what happened to Joonie??!!
what!!! how dare they call him womanizer??
Noooo!!! of course u not Joonie~~~ fighting!!!
they just jealous with ur good-looking face...haha~
He is totally not a womanizer!!!
He's had such a hard time lately (mentally & physically)
he just injured ankle ,so people should leave him alone~!!!

Joon~ hwaiting all the way...=]

1 comment:

demonprinciple0320 said...

haiz~~~~your joon wont be a womanizer lah`~he love u only~
but then ho`~
dont score me a...
wats the big not like...erm...they oso said my yobo is a womanizer like...
erm...joon making this a little bit hoo ha....but then is not like i wnt to said bad things leh`haiya.i oso donno how to said~ offence at all~~~
and i oso like joon de mah...but is like a little bit over reacting?dunno~~sorry,if hurt you`!
i love lee joon`~but i wont fight with you de...i have my gikwang~haha...
jaejin's sister?is FT jaejin a?
FT jaejin's sis reli pretty leh`
hope joon's ankle will get well soon~!all the best~!