Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year...2010~

Looking back this year,a lot of things happened...

On schoolwork, idols, gossip, friendship......
and many many more......
But we are considered to cope quite well i think...=p
Time goes quickly...the earth turned a full circle again...

There have been many time in 2009~~~
when I may disturbed you all ~
troubled u all, irritated u all...sry o...><
today I just wanna tell...I plan to continue it in 2010...

Whatcha say...?? hahax...=]
hAppY NeW yEaR...!!!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Special Christmas at Grandma's house 09...

The first time I found that the painter's job is how tiring...TT

Paint stained hands, non-stop washing the floor...

The newspaper that spread everywhere...

Really chaotic and a bit dirty....><

However,when everything is completed, I am really very happy
with the new look of my grandma's house~!! keke...=]

Although saying that my contribution is not great,
but my hands are sore...==

Too long did not exercise the body i think...haiz~

Really tired......
But i think my dad (free labor...=p) is the most tired person...haha~ i celebrated my Christmas (09) this way....^^

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

only when he is drunk..hahax~

A driver is stopped by a police officer.

The driver asks, "What’s the problem officer?"
Officer: "You were going at least 75 in a 55 zone."
Man: "No sir, I was going 65."
Wife: "Oh, Harry. You were going 80." (The man gives his wife a dirty look.)
Officer: "I’m also going to give you a ticket for your broken tail light."
Man: "Broken tail light? I didn’t know about a broken tail light!"
Wife: "Oh Harry, you’ve known about that tail light for weeks."
(The man gives his wife another dirty look.)
Officer: "I’m also going to give you a citation for not wearing your seatbelt."
Man: "Oh I just took it off when you were walking up to the car."
Wife: "Oh Harry, you never wear your seatbelt."
The man turns to his wife and yells, "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!"
The Officer turns to the woman and asks,
"Ma’am, does your husband talk to you this way all the time?"
The wife says, "No, only when he’s drunk."
Officer: .......#@%!.......

haha...what the....
i just cant stop laughing~~

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Is JYP getting ready for Jaebeom’s return?

You guys might recall our report on Jaebeom's victorious win at Winter Nights B-Boy Dance Competition that held its place in Seattle. The video of his crew, Art of Movement's performance, quickly began to receive heartfelt comments like: "Jaebeom's talent still remains. The video makes me miss him more.", "I hope to see Jaebeom back in Korea soon.", "Please come back Jaebeom."

Although there is nothing wrong with competing in a competition, the netizens are seeing Jaebeom's participation in a quite different aspect. They believe Jaebeom is now "warming up" for his return that supposedly is soon to happen. This assumption can be backed up with two reasons: 1. Jaebeom couldn't have possibly participated in the competition without getting a permission from the JYP Entertainment first, thus the company also wanted him to be shown in public. 2. Jaebeom knew his competition will be released to the Korean fans, according to a related source, but he decided to compete anyways. All of these lead up to a conclusion suggesting that JYP is now getting ready to put Jaebeom back in front of the audience, step by step, little by little.

But of course, they can all just be another hype the netizens are blowing out of proportion. Jaebeom's Return to be Broadcasted on a Cable Show?It has been reported that a cable channel visited Seattle to discuss about producing a reality show focusing on Jaebeom's preparation for his return. The netizens are assuming the show would take the similar format as IVY's show, Mnet Ivy Back, which was also made to broadcast her return to the viewers. However, a recent report states that JYP has made a request to delay the production for now until Jaebeom's return date is officially decided. A representative of the channel stated, "JYP has not denied the whole production of the show. They wanted to discuss the matters later since his return hasn't been set yet."

So what do you guys think?
Is it finally time for that clock to strike 2 PM after the long await?
We'll just have to hope to find out soon.
i really hope this is real....

Friday, December 18, 2009

Gifts from Fans Supporting Joon @ Strong Heart Recording !!

Joon was going to be on Strong Heart??
I can't wait for the episode to come out!!!
i like this show every week..hehe
Korean fans are zzang...
and i think rich also...?? maybe...hahax
at first i thought it was just the table full...
then i saw stacks of boxes O__O
thats A LOT of food seriously~~~
joon must be happy...
whoo~!! da food looks so nice and delicious~~~

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


after he make da mistake~funny lo...

he is so adorable & cute...hahax

Sunday, December 13, 2009



曾经年少爱作梦 一心只想快减肥  
走遍小巷和大街 自己最像小象队  
蓦然回首看腰围 身材不如叶小楣  
才明白吃吃喝喝 最后是自己倒楣

如果你不曾减肥 你不会懂得我伤悲  
当我瘦了腰围 用掉半年薪水  

因为我没钱减肥 任它广告很多
说得天花乱坠 付出的钱收不回


我总是心太懒 心太懒   

我总是心太懒 心太懒   
说得总是简单 做起太难   
应该学习 就别再偷懒

夜深了我还不想睡 你还在背着英语   



哦 学习吧 快开始学习吧   
该学就学 再玩也没有用   
痴痴地玩 我只会考零蛋   

Saturday, December 5, 2009














Tuesday, December 1, 2009

4 minute prepare for solo debuts!!

After 4minute's successful first mini-album "For Muzik,"
the two members revealed this surprising piece of news
and fans are going crazy - me included.
Cube Entertainment stated:
"We have not yet decided whether HyunA or Jiyoon will release a solo album first. Both of them are working on their pop dance tracks and performances to bring out their own unique personalities. We will decide the specifics after we wrap up 4minute's group activities."
I'm excited! Especially because these two are my favorites,
but then again, I think they are most fans' favorites.
Lets just look forward to it....=]