Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year...2010~

Looking back this year,a lot of things happened...

On schoolwork, idols, gossip, friendship......
and many many more......
But we are considered to cope quite well i think...=p
Time goes quickly...the earth turned a full circle again...

There have been many time in 2009~~~
when I may disturbed you all ~
troubled u all, irritated u all...sry o...><
today I just wanna tell...I plan to continue it in 2010...

Whatcha say...?? hahax...=]
hAppY NeW yEaR...!!!!


kHai Ling said...

cagih,happy new year!!!:) da 1st who read this post!!
ya..super agree...we manage to cope all da difficulties..
2010 will be better year for all of us..

lihwen said...

i thought u will say u wanna say sorry ..
zha dao .. wanna continue this year again ... ==
fine .. i am fully prepared but i will continue also ..
my laughter .. wakakakakaka

amterfear said...

a late happy new year to u yer~~
yer 2010 jor~~
time passes so fast~~
its 5 years aways from our primary life

cherish everything yer~~
a nice year this year~~
perfect 10@@
juz keep moving on~~
trust urself~~
u can do it well^^

yIN xIN...=) said...

really thx...=]
you too...but u done very well le i think...hahax