Saturday, December 26, 2009

Special Christmas at Grandma's house 09...

The first time I found that the painter's job is how tiring...TT

Paint stained hands, non-stop washing the floor...

The newspaper that spread everywhere...

Really chaotic and a bit dirty....><

However,when everything is completed, I am really very happy
with the new look of my grandma's house~!! keke...=]

Although saying that my contribution is not great,
but my hands are sore...==

Too long did not exercise the body i think...haiz~

Really tired......
But i think my dad (free labor...=p) is the most tired person...haha~ i celebrated my Christmas (09) this way....^^


demonprinciple0320 said...

how a special way to celebrate christmas.....
but atleast u help ur grandma....
i am sure ur grandma will be
cagih a....u did a good job~
well done~!

yIN xIN...=) said...

really "special"...^^
u guess rite le...
my grandma mayb really elated and got give me some pocket money~hahax
eh...u sound like praise me hor...
so...khamsahamnida~!!! hehe~

amterfear said...

nice having gotong royong..

i love ur blog coz it always attached with a cute picture^^
keep it on`~

hope u having a great time tht X'mas~~

yIN xIN...=) said...

gotong royong..nice??
haha...but ur blog describe till...==
ur post very nice too...
every time taip super long...xD